Tiaras can also be made with a tiny profit, but in general they're better for personal experience as opposed to coins. If you are on high enough levels of mining it is possible to take this method to OSRS Gold the maximum return by mining gold ore and then making Gold Necklaces as well as Gold Amulets. They can provide the best profit but with less time spent per hour.
You can start off by heading to the Lava Maze that is located to the north and west within the Wilderness. This is a method of grabbing Staff of Earth and Steel Platebodies from the ground before switching worlds to create them again. If you're over 55 Magic, you can use Fire runes and Nature runes.
It allows you to use High Alchemy spell on staves and armor which is used to break down items into gold. This means you don't need to rush to the market to sell your possessions after the inventory is full. Take note that this technique involves running off to wildy and, since it's part of a pvp zone, you might be spotted by other players. Bring only those items that you absolutely need.
Even though we've marked this strategy as a risky option however, you won't be killed by other players performing this kind of work. The most dangerous thing that can kill you here is the heat of the desert coupled with obstacles that can damage your body. This is a unique agility course but as with any other course of agility that has obstacles - falling down could cost you hitpoints. Due to that, your health may be affected and you might even die from desert heat if you forget to use it by the time. It's also what you'll need a weapon. Through cutting the cactus growing close to pyramids, you can find water to fill your empty waterskins. In this way, the only risk to your character's life is the memory.
Before beginning this process ensure that you have every piece of weight reducing equipment that you own (like The Graceful Outfit) - you should make sure that Cheap RuneScape Gold you are as light as possible (less than 10kg on your equipment is enough). Once you're properly outfitted, head to Pollnivneach by taking the Magic Carpet in Shantay Pass.